The Captains of Industry Sailing Cup proudly announces its partnership with Viessmann, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of efficient, reliable and affordable heating and solar products.
Heating, cooling, ventilating: Viessmann ensures an optimum climate and develops intelligent and sustainable energy systems and refrigeration solutions – for residential buildings, industry, and commerce. As a family business in its fourth generation, the company thinks long-term. Its purpose: to create living spaces for generations to come. All 12.300 members of the Viessmann family in 74 countries follow this purpose.
The 2021 Zero Emission Edition of The Captains aims to set the standard for low impact/footprint sailing events in Europe. As Viessmann shares this vision, the company embraces our ambition and confirms its support for the entire Captains event from 24 to 27 September 2021. Viessmann will not only install their infotruck in the Business Village, our premium partner will also compete with several teams.
More information on Viessmann’s vision and ambition? Check this keynote by CEO Max Viessmann.